Well-Oiled Parts?

Recently I posted about structure and the need for flexibility. The thing is, I have a lot to say about this matter.
What I want to tell you about this today is just that there is a lot to say about structure and inattentive issues; about the need for structure and the failing of structure. Rather than cover it all here, I’d like to open up the topic for future elaboration.

What it gets down to is that the books all say we need structure. Structure makes the disarray of an ADHD-inhabited life, um, well-oiled? Okay, I think well-scaffolded is a better analogy. But applying structure willy-nilly can make life feel like a pile of disassembled parts, (though well-oiled and squeak-free parts, if you are to believe my analogy).

Structure and routine are good for adults with ADHD. Good for children with ADHD. By the way, they are good for newborn babies too apparently! That’s what the books say. Some of these books are right or well-thought out or useful. But some of this is lacking the nuance that the hyperthinking brain requires…

…And creates. That’s part of the issue. If you think fast/a lot/analytically and intelligently, you already know that you can reason your way into/out of, anything. You can do this without realizing you’ve done it. It may or may not be "self-sabotage." Your reasoning may be sound. Sound reasoning is intelligent, but it doesn’t help anyone stick to a routine. Nor does ADHD wiring.

The problem is that all of this thinking into, or out of, the routine you intended to follow, means that you have "failed" to hold to your routine. You came up with perfectly good reasons, not even a stretch at a reason, to not go to bed at "bedtime," exercise, do the to do’s on today’s list, do your chores, get up off the couch. Yet you are left feeling that you have failed once again. Regardless of how good the reasons were; routine doesn’t always take into account your fluctuating energy levels or any other complications.

Inattentive point being:

a structure up doesn’t stop us from thinking our way out of it;
tricking our way around it; continually thinking about it (and this
isn’t worry, it’s just think) — it doesn’t relax us, it doesn’t make
us able to focus. Unless it’s the right structure.

So that oughta open the topic. What structures have NOT worked for you? Have you experienced structure or routine causing a cascade of thought, rather than keeping you moving along?